Knauf D112 Suspended Ceiling System with metal grid consists of lower/furring and upper/main CD channels. Main channels are attached to the ceiling slab with hooked wires and rapid hangers. Upper/main CD channels are attached to lower/furring channels with Knauf Clips (Cross Connector) in the Knauf D112 System. The Knauf UD channel is installed flush on the existing bearing system of the building with anchoringscrews(Screw Pin Fastener). This facilitates the proper alignments and installation of all base and bearing studs and channels. Knauf Gypsum Boards are installed on metal grids with screw attachment, starting at one end and gradually advancing towards the other. Knauf Joint Tape, included here in the product group of Knauf Accessories, is applied on Knauf board joints that are then filled in with Knauf FugaGipsJointing Compound.